The First 15 Donor Challenge
It all started with 15 kids rehearsing in a living room.
For one show only, they would perform a show written entirely by their director.
No fancy lights, no gorgeous scenery, no large audience.
Just a few handheld mics to share, two weeks to practice, and one big vision.
The families who came to see them were amazed at what their kids could do.
One summer, in 2015, is when Cynthia Ford's dream of Bluffton Youth Theatre began.
Now almost ten years later, her dream grows ever larger and, unfortunately, so do the needs.
Just 2 years ago, we were blessed to finally find a place for Bluffton Youth Theatre to call home. Since then, we have been working to renovate the space into The Bridge Event Venue by Bluffton Youth Theatre. Now, as we finally have the end in sight, a generous donor has offered to match up to $15,000 worth of donations.
We need your help to raise those funds.

Pictured left to right: Evan, Anmei, Carson, AnnaDora, Dominic, Avonlea, Damon, Mary Grace, Jennifer, Joshua, Marley, Scarlett, Jake, Sammy, Izzy
Donate today and Double your Impact
Our generous donor will match all donations up to $15,000!
Why "The First 15"?
Just like there were first 15 original cast members at BYT, the first 15 donors who donate $500 or more will have their donation commemorated on a plaque alongside the names of the original cast.
When you choose to donate, you can choose a smaller amount, or you can donate $500 or more and choose which cast member you want to honor with your donation. Only the first 15 can be on the plaque, so don't miss your chance!
How Can You Help
Any amount helps, but if you are in a position to donate a larger donation it will help us reach our goal even quicker!
We understand that times are tough for many people in the community so not everyone has extra funds to donate. If you can't donate, you can help by simply telling people about BYT and our goal. You don't have to talk to strangers or go out of your comfort zone, you can just forward this page to people you know or even share about this fundraiser on social media. If just five people tell five of their friends or family, that's already 25 new people who have heard about our goal!
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How to Donate Today
Option 1: Original 15 Plaque Donation
If you donate $500 or more, you can choose an original cast member to honor and your name will be commemorated on a plaque in The Bridge Event Venue by Bluffton Youth Theatre right next to the cast member you chose.
Because there were only 15 original cast members, there are only 15 spots on the plaque so don't miss your chance!
Why Bluffton Youth Theatre?
Our Mission
At BYT, we strive to create an all inclusive environment where youth can be a part of a theatre family regardless of any challenges, physical, mental or emotional, they may face in everyday life. In our shows, we blend youth and adults with special needs with those without to create a space where everyone is accepted and celebrated. At BYT, we don't believe in encouraging actors with special needs to conform to a certain image to fit in and we don't teach our actors without special needs to look down on those who may have challenges. We teach acceptance, cooperation and that we are all equal in God's eyes.
Who are we?
Maybe you've come to a show or a few, maybe you've had your child in our cast or classes, or maybe you've never been involved with us at all, but you might have no idea who BYT really is. BYT is a non-profit theatre company started in 2015 by Cynthia Ford with the help of her husband, Greg, and daughter, Jennifer. Before moving to South Carolina in 2009, Cynthia had already been involved with the performing arts for over 30 years and ran her own studio for much of that time. Upon coming to the south, Cynthia noticed that there were a lack of theatres specifically for youth in the area, and none that were accepting of the special needs community or beginners to the arts. So, she decided to start her own so that everyone could have the opportunity to be a part of the arts.
What Makes Us Different?
In recent years, theatre companies have become more abundant in the Lowcountry and the surrounding area, but how are we different? We are unique in that we blend those with special needs with those that are deemed typical, training them to perform in 5-star productions. No matter a youth’s challenges be they intellectual or physical, whether non-verbal, autistic, or laden with severe anxiety, everyone is cast as an integral part of the live performances. We have an overwhelming number of positive testimonials from parents of both typical and atypical youth as well as audience members stating that the shows and experience they gained, are first-rate. Many have viewed and even participated in other professional theatre companies and without a doubt, BYT is equal to and even surpasses their expectations. BYT is not only a benefit to all youth, no matter their challenges, but a much needed benefit to the community. Most organizations cater strictly to typical youth and others mainly to atypical youth; BYT's blending is truly one-of-a-kind and when you become a patron, you will gain insight into an all-inclusive environment where “different” is not seen.