For Prospective Cast
What To Prepare
1) A 1 minute monologue that you memorized. The monologue you choose should show us how well you speak. Your diction and elocution are very important as well as your expression. While memorizing and rehearsing your monologue before your audition, make sure you understand the character you are trying to portray. Don’t overact, but don’t underact. Be prepared to do a cold read. That is when the director hands you a script and asks you to act out a certain part of the script. You will have about 5 minutes to read through it before you are asked to perform it. You will not have to memorize it but it will give the director an idea of how well and how quickly you can portray a character. For non-readers, you will not be expected to cold read, but you may be asked to “pretend you are a(n) ___________________ that is doing ________________________.”
2) A 1 minute song that shows off your range, tone and pitch. You may bring a digital accompaniment* but understand, the casting director may ask you to sing it a cappella. At the audition you may be asked to sing a scale or even some notes that the musical director plays on the piano, so be prepared.
3) A 1 minute dance prepared with a digital accompaniment*. The dance should show the choreographer your ability to move and keep rhythm. You may also be asked to do a few steps that the choreographer teaches you “on the spot”. If that happens, just listen, and watch carefully. Do not ask a lot of questions. They are trying to determine how well and how quickly you can pick up choreography.
*a digital accompaniment is something that is downloaded onto your electronic device. DO NOT expect to connect to Wi-Fi so, please have it downloaded.
As soon as you step through that door, the directors are watching and listening to everything you say and do. Be kind and polite. If you are younger, your parent may accompany you, but understand, you are the one auditioning and not them. Keep each part of your audition to 1 minute. Please do not go over the allotted time.
Some Dont's
Don’t be rude
Don’t ask if your audition went good or bad. Just do your best.
Don’t come in unprepared. It is normal to be nervous and possibly forget your part. That is normal, but it should not be because you didn’t prepare enough.
Don’t say “I’m sorry for not being prepared”. Just be prepared!!!
Some Do's
Do understand that we will be fair to each child NO matter their age, or mental, physical, or emotional challenges.
Do know we love each and every youth that is a part of BYT. There are NO favorites!
For Parents and Guardians
Please know, we do take into consideration the experience your child has had prior to auditioning. We will help guide those that have never done it as long as they are prepared ahead of time.
Coaxing your child or talking to them during the audition should be kept to a minimum. Although any parent is allowed to sit in on any rehearsal or audition, we have to take into consideration how much that child leans on their parent and what their behavior is while the parent is in attendance.
We will make your child feel as comfortable as possible. Please don’t start your audition with “I am sorry, we didn’t have time to prepare….” Just help your child prepare ahead of time so they can do their best!
You will be asked if your child has any special needs. PLEASE let us know if they have ANY difficulties including any emotional, mental or physical challenges. We need to know this so we can best serve your child!
NO PARENT is privy to any of the casting. It is done by non-biased professionals.
Remember, we can’t have every child be a lead! Whatever part they are cast in, does not typically reflect on how “good they are”. We treat EVERY CAST MEMBER EQUALLY! There is a lot of consideration, thought and time that goes into casting so that every child is put in a place where they will learn, grow and shine.
We will have 1, 2 or 3 casts depending on the amount of children auditioning. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE in whether your child is put in Cast 1, 2, or 3. Cast 1 is NOT the better cast and Cast 3 is not the worst cast. The numbers are only used to distinguish what cast your child is put in. EVERY CAST IS EQUAL! PLEASE reiterate this to your child!
We are a non-profit, mainly volunteer organization. Even the director receives little to no compensation. We appreciate your volunteer hours whether it is a few or a lot. We DO NOT expect everyone to volunteer the same amount of hours as we understand the talents, and time constraints of each and every parent. We DO appreciate any help you can offer!
YOU MUST attend the parent meeting! If you do not attend or do not let us know WELL in advance that you can’t attend and the reason why, your child WILL not be cast.
We expect tuition and the registration fee to be paid in FULL by the deadline indicated on your invoice. PLEASE let us know IMMEDIATELY if you have any financial difficulties that hinders you from paying on time. We can work with those who communicate directly to us!
PLEASE, if you decide not to audition, take your name off the sign up list so it gives others a chance to take your spot!
Plan to arrive to your audition early so that you do not miss your time slot!